TulliCom for WINDOWS (small release) ==================================== This file contains hints to install TulliCom and if it doesn't run correctly as well as remarks how to use the text files. ATTENTION: This small release is especially designed for download from BBS's and other communication services. It is reduced to minimal size and doesn't include the Windows setup procedure so you have to install TulliCom manually. The enclosed UNPACK.BAT will help you to do this. Also the runtime library VBRUN300.DLL isn't included in this release (cause most of pc users have it already installed by other windows applications). If not, please download it from the BBS you got TulliCom from or any other service. Please note that the included manual file (TULLICOM.WRI) not only refers to this small release but also contains all information for the complete version (including Windows setup procedure, other languages and so on). INSTALLATION ------------ This release is for manual installation only. To do this the files must be unpacked first: create the desired TulliCom directory on your harddisk and copy all the files into it (NOTE: after unpacking all source files in this directory will be deleted! Keep a copy of all source files anywhere else on your harddisk or floppy!) Now start the unpacking routine by typing unpack [press RETURN] Copy the following unpacked files to there destination: Files THREED.VBX, BRIDGIT.DLL, PDQCOMM.DLL, PDQCOMM2.VBX and PDQCOMMX.XFR should be copied either to the WINDOWS system directory (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM) or to any other directory that is listed in the PATH-command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT (append the PATH command if neccessary). PROBLEMS -------- 1. ASCII-Font The TERMINAL font (differing to COURIER NEW) doesn't contain the ANSI character table (used by WINDOWS) but the ASCII table (used by DOS). This font is needed for connects with BBS systems or terminal programs running under DOS environment (most BBS's will be DOS applications!) to display correct characters under WINDOWS environment. COURIER NEW (for connects to WINDOWS applications) is a so called TrueType font but TERMINAL isn't. To get a similar display both fonts are adjusted to the usual point size for TERMINAL. This will cause the effect that TulliCom's program window mostly will exeed the screen size when WINDOWS is configured to standard resolution (640x480 pixels). The scroll bar to the right isn't accessable now. With higher resolutions (e.g. 800x600) the program windows will be smaller and all window contents will be visible. To solve this problem (caused by WINDOW's font management) you may change the font size from TulliCom's OPTION menu. Please notice that TERMINAL isn't a TrueType font and not all of the sizes will affect. If you got a TrueType font containig the ASCII table and using fixed pitch character width you may use it instead of TERMINAL. 2. COM-Port The INI file shipped with TulliCom is configured to the mostly used COM port 2. If you're receiving error messages from TulliCom concerning the port please check if your modem is connected to the right port. If you're not sure which port is used TulliCom can find it for you: Terminate TulliCom and switch on your modem if not done before. Delete the file TULLICOM.INI from your WINDOWS main directory. Now start TulliCom again. The modem port will be found automatically an a new INI file will be created. On the other hand the WINDOWS control program gives you access to the port parameters. Up to 4 ports can be configured here. Please refer to your WINDOWS manual to define port adresses, interrupts and defaults). Under some circumstances it is absolutely neccessary to configure the existing ports correctly there before starting TulliCom. 3. Conflicts with other applications If you're using other applications which access the same COM port as TulliCom you may close the port in TulliCom while using them. TulliCom won't open the port for itself if another application uses the port when TulliCom ist started. 4. Download Before your first download you must explicitely define the download path in TulliCom - otherwise you'll get an error message and TulliCom stops. Therefor use the command 'download path' in menu FILE TRANSFER. If the directory doesn't exists it will be created. ATTENTION: if the dialog box for the download path doesn't disappear after clicking to the OK button TulliCom couldn't create the desired directory. In that case please check the entered directory and path for correctness. TulliCom can't create more than one new directory level so all entered directories must exist - except the last entry. 5. Extended characters Although we tried to include character translation between ANSI and ASCII tables for most program function there's still one function we couldn't solve the problem yet: - in case of upload you can't use those characters (above dec. 128) in path and file names. Otherwise upload will be aborted. We're working on it.... TEXT FILES ---------- There are some text files shipped with TulliCom. Except of the manual (TULLICOM.WRI) which can be read an printed with the WRITE application all other text files are created in plain ASCII (ANSI) format. These files could be read and printed with any WINDOWS editor (e.g. NOTEPAD.EXE). If you're not familiar with the differences between DOS editors (using the ASCII table) and WINDOWS editors (using ANSI) you should only use WINDOWS editors to access these files.